晚班 简体中文硬盘版
《晚班(Late Shift)》是CtrlMovie制作的一款实时电影互动式冒险解谜游戏。游戏讲述了拍卖行夜晚发生的盗窃杀人事件,而无辜的学生Matt却莫名卷入其中,为了洗刷冤屈证明自己的清白而展开的追凶的故事。玩家通过无数次的选择与判断逐步揭开隐藏的真相,游戏有多个结局,至于如何选择还得靠玩家自行判断。
Late Shift is a high stakes FMV crime thriller. After being forced into the robbery of a lucrative auction house, mathematics student Matt is left proving his innocence in the brutal London heist. Your choices will have consequences from the very start, right through to the very end. One small decision could change the entire outcome in a choose-your-own-adventure style gameplay that can lead to one of seven conclusions
Written by the author of Sherlock Holmes (2009 film), experience a gripping live-action crime thriller with a total of over 180 decision points. Do you steal the car or do you run away? Do you follow orders or sabotage the plan? You’ll have just seconds to decide as the film continues to roll with no pauses and no looping footage.
Shot in full HD, Late Shift’s cinematic experience blends the line between movies, games and interactive storytelling.