
《喋血街头4 POSTAL 4: No Regerts》英文版百度云迅雷下载v0.2.0.2

叽哩叽哩单机游戏 AL6


《喋血街头4 POSTAL 4: No Regerts》是一款开放世界第一人称射击游戏,极具讽刺和粗暴感,是被誉为“有史以来最糟糕的游戏”《喋血街头2》的真正续作。在该作中玩家将再次扮演暴力邮差,在前作天堂镇被毁灭后,这位邮差在亚利桑那州沙漠里游荡寻找新家园。他偶然进入到一个陌生且耀眼的小镇中,或许又要大开杀戒了。



  • 免费漫游,开放世界,沙盒游戏:以非线性方式处理日常差事!寻找可选的边路任务以获得额外奖励!或忽略所有这些,而仅在您自己的闲暇时间造成一般的恐慌!
  • 约翰·约翰(Jon St. John),在POSTAL Dude的角色中,曾是工业界的资深人士和Nukem公爵的传奇之声!
  • 一个全新的探索小镇:发现爱丁星,发掘这个赌博小镇的黑暗秘密!参观当地的监狱,但不要成为永久客人!在墨西哥边境遇见神秘而异国情调的当地人!在您自己的时尚机动滑板车中穿越风格!在整齐的ERC塔的监视下,在Zag的赌场测试您的运气!
  • 和平主义者与进取主义者:在选择的游戏风格中享受完全的自由!新的弹药类型和其他工具可以更好地支持和平(或至少是非致命的)对抗,但暴力仍然始终是一种选择!
  • 顶级军械库:经典系列再次出现,例如标志性的铲子,煤气罐和著名的回旋镖大砍刀!AK和Tazer Baton等崭新的武器!使用新的Pigeon Mine设置陷阱并释放出羽毛状的混乱!使用Spurt’n’Squirt独特的液体弹药来发挥创意:将水注满以扑灭大火,用汽油注满即兴的喷火器,或用尿液冲给Edensin的居民!
  • 强大的助力器:借助经典的Cat Silencer,诱导慢动作的Catnip和双重挥舞的能量饮料等助力器,将熟悉的邮政转弯添加到您的武器中!
  • 互动性高涨:给流浪狗喂狗零食,以聚集犬军来做您的肮脏工作!抓住并随身携带物品以将它们堆迭起来并到达新区域,或者只是将它们扔向他人以使其烦恼!第一次使用和冲洗马桶!

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10
处理器: 2.5 GHz dual core processor
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: DirectX10 compatible graphics card w/ dedicated 1GB RAM
存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间





定期更新 来自:POSTAL 4: No Regerts 已发布 10月10日周六 POSTAL 4: No Regerts – “Tread lightly” Update []

We are full steam ahead on Humpday and making some great progress! It will be a while before it’s fully ready – so we are going to make sure you guys still get regular updates in the meantime to introduce cool new features, quality of life improvements and various bug fixes.

The headline feature here are the footprints. When NPCs, The Dude or an animal walks through any type of fluid, they will leave a trail of footprints behind. You can even light the ones left by gasoline on fire!

Regarding the new randomized codes in the prison introduced in the last update – we heard you, they suck. We have now implemented a post-it note to the map screen that will record each code as it’s assigned. No more backtracking to the previous cell because you forgot the code!

This update adds a new quality of life feature when rebinding controls. The game will now warn you if you’re trying to rebind the same key to multiple actions.

And a few other odds and ends listed below!

Footprints! NPCs, Dude and even animals will leave a trail of footprints when they walk through any fluid

Sticky note for Prison override codes (It will display on the map screen)

Interact tap-to-hold setting

Implemented basic damage fall off

More pickups in the Commercial tile

General level design improvements in Commercial, Retail and Border Land tiles

Improved general kick reactions for Grenades

Lighting performance improvements in Suburbs tile

Reduced chance of masks appearing on NPCs on Monday

Updated the Meet Associate cinematic

Control binding menu improvements:

Smart confirmation on multiple bindings, it will warn you if you try and rebind multiple keys

Added a timeout when binding an action to prevent player from getting stuck and having to force close the game

Deleted broken pickups from Sport’s store

Broken shading on certain meshes

Ingram’s Catnip reload not working properly while under Catnip

Pigeona Virus announcement playing on Monday

Floating loudspeakers

Numerous mapping bugs


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