
《潜渊症 Barotrauma》中文版测试版百度云迅雷下载v0.9.10.0

叽哩叽哩单机游戏 AL6


《潜渊症 Barotrauma》是一款2D合作类舰艇模拟游戏,故事发生在太空中,带有生存恐怖元素。驾驶潜艇,发号施令,对战怪物,修复漏洞,操作机器,武装待命以及制作物品;同时保持警惕:Barotrauma中的危险不会自行暴露!


需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
处理器: 2.0 GHz
内存: 2 GB RAM
图形: 128 MB Video Memory, Shader Model 2.0+
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
存储空间: 需要 350 MB 可用空间
附注事项: 64-bit operating system is required
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
处理器: 3.0 GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: 256 MB Video Memory, Shader Model 2.0+
DirectX 版本: 12
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 350 MB 可用空间
附注事项: 64-bit operating system is required


  • 扮演潜艇舰长、工程师、机修工、医生或助手等角色。帮助队友生存下来,否则无人能活。
  • 操作潜艇的众多舰载系统,包括核反应堆、声呐、枪械、引擎等。
  • 通过全面制造系统打造工具、药物和武器。
  • 在危险的环境中航行,对战遇到的生物或与之对战。
  • 探索异星遗迹和失事潜艇,发现稀有而强大的神器和资源。
  • 释放你的创造力,运用潜艇编辑器、角色和程序动画编辑器。通过Steam创意工坊直接分享和发现模组。








Full changelog: v0.9.10.0

Additions and changes:
– Added 2 new moloch variants: Black Moloch and Moloch Pupa.
– Reworked Moloch.
– Overhauled level layouts and events (longer and more difficult levels).
– Added two new afflictions: medical items and poisons cause organ damage instead of internal damage and explosions cause deep tissue injuries. Both are functionally identical to internal damage, and treated with the same items.
– Added DXT5 texture compression to reduce memory consumption. Slightly increases loading times; if you’re not short on memory, you may want to disable the compression from the game settings.
– Added partial dismemberment for live creatures. Currently enabled only for non-humanoids. (Dismembering dead bodies was already in the game).
– Destructible shells/armor -> Moloch’s shell can now be destroyed.
– Added a new monster AI state: Protect.
– Increased the threshold for limping and changed the calculations.
– Added limping for non-human characters.
– Modded servers show up as purple in the server list.
– Added 4 new background music tracks.
– Added parameter autocompletion to the “spawnsub” command.
– All content types except UI styles are now hotswappable.
– Made smoke detector logic more accurate (no size restrictions on the size of the fire, the fire doesn’t have to be inside the same hull).
– Added “Output” and “FalseOutput” properties to smoke detector.
– Option to define ambient light values for individual hulls in the sub editor.
– Characters float in place instead of sinking when staying still underwater.
– Improvements to water flow forces: flowing water can push characters around much more heavily now.
– Balanced item prices and fabrication/deconstruction recipes.
– Balanced medical items.
– UI layout improvements when using an ultrawide resolution.
– Added “set_channel” input to wifi components.
– Added “power_value_out” and “load_value_out” outputs to reactor.
– Added search/filter boxes to content package list in the settings menu and item lists in the Workshop menu.
– Added submarine filter to the server lobby.
– Detonators are only triggered by non-zero signals.
– The state of toggleable controllers (= switches) can be set in the sub editor.
– Made toolboxes purchaseable.
– Added a warning to keep the drone door closed in Remora.
– All Thalamus cells die when the Thalamus dies.
– Removed “hold fire” option from the “operate weapon” order, display turrets on minimap as icons instead of text.
– Added some logic to prevent the game from modifying/deleting any vanilla content in any situation.
– Readded legacy Carrier (doesn’t spawn naturally but can be spawned with console commands).
– Modified Typhon 2’s coilgun rotation limits a bit so it isn’t possible to hit the walls when firing at enemies near the airlock.
– Hulls can be multiedited in the sub editor.
– Placed down wires can now be re-equipped in the sub editor by double clicking a loose end.
– Added charging docks to Remora.
– Adjusted how pixel sizes are converted to meters (which are used to display the submarine’s dimensions and distances on the navigation terminal). Previously 100 pixels corresponded to 1 meter, now it’s 80px -> 1m, making the human characters about 1.75m tall.
– Distance calculations on the navigation terminal take the shape of the path into account instead of just using the direct distance to the target.
– Made improvements to the manual order assignment by adding always visible name labels, displaying indicators for characters’ current orders, and repositioning the nodes.
– Reduced the damage range of fires, characters don’t take damage from fires if there’s a closed door or a wall in between.
– Always draw steering indicators at the center of the display instead of the center of the sub. Fixes indicators getting offset (sometimes even outside the display) during docking.
– Added option to give all command perms with the “givecommandperm” command by using “all” as the parameter.
– Wrecks with no predefined Thalamus items can no more be infested by Thalamus. Allows to create wrecks that always spawn without Thalamus.
– The “shut down” reactor order now allows the bot to continue doing other things after powering off the reactor, instead of just standing next to the reactor.
– Removed the “initiative” skill -> all bots should now react better when there’s something to do. Note: this doesn’t mean that they always react on everything. It’s just the end of individualism. At least for now.
– Reduced the physical forces applied on characters when they are hit by melee weapons, harpoons, or frag grenades. Adjusted stun for crowbar and harpoon.
– Disabled retreat/escape behavior for the bots when they take damage from items or explosions. They still escape/fight back when attacked by other characters.
– Refactor the medic priority calculations/logic: Bots should never treat others autonomously, unless they are medics or ordered to rescue. Bots should always give a high priority for treating themselves, unless there’s a medic on board.
– Adjusted the flipping logic of non-humanoids to make them flip less frequently.
– Monsters won’t anymore target nasonov artifact unless it is inside the player submarine or in the player inventory.

– Made it possible to use repair tools with StatusEffect’s UseItem.
– Made pressure deaths more moddable. Dying because of high pressure isn’t hard-coded anymore, the characters are just given the barotrauma affliction which (by default) kills them.
– Added “HideConditionBar” property to items.
– Fixed wearables staying on the character when the item is removed by a status effect.
– Character light sprites can now deform. The cells of Thalamus (Leucocyte and Terminal cell) now use the deformable light sprites.
– Creature flipping parameters are now exposed. Adjusted the flipping for all creatures.
– Allow to define character joints as weld joints in addition of normal revolute joints. Weld joints don’t rotate.
– Allow sound definitions to ignore the muffling effect.
– Exposed the “scatter” value and added new “offset” attribute for monster events.
– Added support for status effects in limb definitions (ragdoll file).
– Status effects defined in the character definition can now also target limbs.
– Added ActionType.OnSevered status effect for limbs.
– Creatures can now be set to disrupt sonar.
– Player attacks can now also use the conditionals (i.e. when player is controlling a character). Previously only the AI used the conditionals.
– Conditional sprites don’t anymore require a texture definition.
– Conditional Sprites can now be non-exclusive -> Draw more than just one sprite at a time.
– Fixed conditional sprites not being able to target limbs.

– Fixed crashing when opening the tab menu when there are clients present with no job preferences set.
– Fixed “ColdCavernsMaze” levels sometimes being extremely short.
– Fixes to level generation when playing with a very large submarine.
– Fixed bots being unable to shoot at enemies from another room/hull.
– Fixed bots being unable to get items from dead bodies.
– Fixed submarines being unable to move vertically in the submarine test mode.
– Fixed crashing when starting a new round with no audio device (speakers, headset) available.
– Improvements to shadow/LOS rendering.
– Fixed double click being ignored if it’s been less than 0.4s since the last double click.
– Fixed all servers sometimes not showing up in the server list (showing only the servers in the same/nearby region).
– Fixed “lone sailor” achievement not unlocking in single player.
– Fixed “Gaze in to the Abyss” achievement sometimes unlocking as soon as the round starts.
– Fixed characters sometimes being unable to exit the submarine when outside the borders of the level.
– Fixed ruin/wreck monsters not spawning if the submarine is too close to them.
– Fixed ruin items sometimes getting saved as a part of the main submarine in the campaign.
– Fixed rare “item with the same key has already been added” errors when starting a round (particularly when playing with a submarine with very large numbers of items/structures).
– Thalamus entities can’t be selected in the sub editor when they’re hidden.
– Fixed “spawnsub” console command not working.
– Fixed projectiles, welding tools and plasma cutters hitting destroyed Thalamus organs.
– Fixed reactor not shutting down if the turbine/fission rate are controlled via signals even the power switch is toggled off.
– Fixed reactor sliders not moving when they’re controlled by signals.
– Fixed level triggers sometimes affecting entities that have left the trigger. The most noticeable effect was characters getting burn damage indefinitely after they’ve been close to a hydrothermal vent.
– Made flamers fire proof to prevents the flames from blowing up the fuel tank inside it.
– Don’t allow harpoons to stick to very small limbs (such as mudraptor’s “mouth tentacles”), because it lead to physics glitches.
– Fixed the husk infection crashing when turning the character, if either the non-husk or the husked variation has no inventory defined.
– Fixed characters getting weapon XP after using a turret, until someone else operates the same turret.
– Fixed characters being able to crouch when their pose is controlled by a controller (e.g. periscope, modded chair).
– Fixed bots being unable to aim correctly when operating a turret in another submarine (such as a remotely controlled coilgun in a shuttle).
– Fixed bots sometimes taking too much time to interrupt their current objective when the room they’re in floods, causing them to get crushed by pressure.
– Fixed bots sometimes letting go of ladders too soon, preventing them from reaching certain areas (such as the upper platform in Berilia’s cargo bay).
– Fixed multiple bots sometimes trying to treat the same person.
– Bots stop grabbing the character they’re treating after they’re done.
– Fixed harpoons going through doors.
– Fixed depth charges going through level walls.
– Fixed husks attacking human husks wearing a diving suit.
– Fixed first shot from a firearm that uses a magazine/clip not doing anything.
– Fixes to waypoints in Kastrull, Berilia and Remora.
– Fixed chat-linked wifi components not working in single player.
– Fixed chat-linked wifi components not working in multiplayer outside of combat missions.
– Fixed Azimuth using tutorial junction boxes instead of normal ones (the tutorial variants are indestructible and don’t have signal connections).
– Fixed autopilot not being able to navigate past wrecks.
– More reliable syncing of door’s breaking state. Fixes doors sometimes being impassable or impossible to repair client-side, particularly when joining mid-round.
– Fixed repairing doors getting interrupted at 50% when the door’s collider is re-enabled and the character pushed out of the doorway.
– Fixed items getting used in the health interface when dropped on a subinventory slot in front of the interface.
– Fixed dedicated servers letting clients join with an invalid name when there’s no server owner.
– Fixed server letting clients join with a name that’s already taken.
– Changed “creating hulls between docking ports failed” from errors to warnings. Allows creating exterior docking ports that aren’t next to a hull without having the console pop up every time the port is used.
– Fixed changing resolution not updating character inventory slot sizes properly, causing invalid spacing in dead characters’ inventories.
– Don’t allow detaching signal components when rewiring is disabled or the item’s connection panel is locked.
– Fixed misaligned hull next to Wreck1’s airlock.
– Fixed “attempting to remove an already removed item” errors when mass-deleting items. Happened because removing items a wire is connected to removes the orphaned wires automatically.
– Fixed multi-part subs (example case: The Aeche III) getting teleported to oblivion when flipped.
– Fixes to bots getting stuck or killed for no apparent reason when the player is very far from them, due to the bots switching to a “simple physics mode” which prevents them from doing certain kinds of interactions.
– The explosive cargo mission that places a block of Volatile Compound N in one of the crates no longer requires delivering the volatile block to the destination.
– Disabled crush depth in the submarine test mode.
– Fixed monsters staying invisible if they die far away from the camera view.
– Fixed very small limbs (mudraptor’s mouth tentacles, husk appendages) launching off at a very high velocity, leading to glitchy physics behavior, when hit by a non-raycast projectile or an explosion.
– Allow subs to be saved to subdirectories of the “Submarines” folder (e.g. “Submarines/Downloaded”).
– Fixed a couple of waypoints in Berilia that prevented bots from using the ladders.
– Fixed Husked Crawler bleeding red blood.
– Fixed the priority of the operate order being 69 when it should be 70, which sometimes caused bots to get stuck between two objectives (like repairing or fixing leaks).
– Fixed enemies always using the priority defined for “room” when they should use the priority for “sonar”.
– Fixed monsters not being able to drop down from platforms/hatches etc. In practice they still have difficulties in getting down from the hatches when they don’t swim because they are so big.
– Fixed bots ignoring themselves as a target when they are rescuing others.
– Fixed numerous issues in the monster behavior when simple physics is enabled. e.g. Ignoring targets or not being able to attack or eat them.
– Fixed hitting damage modifiers emitting a ridiculous amount of particles.
– Fixed some cases where bots fail to open the door that they should be able to open (because they skipped a waypoint without checking the doors).
– Fixed monsters not keeping inside the level.
– Fixed a crash when the command interface button was pressed while the player is controlling a custom monster that didn’t have character info but was able to speak.
– Fixed monsters sometimes ignoring their target after attacking.

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