
《寻宝奇兵 Roundguard》中文版百度云迅雷下载集成Gift Giver升级档

叽哩叽哩单机游戏 AL6





  • 弹弹乐:直观的弹球类游戏,非任何其他地牢爬行者游戏可比。
  • 多重身份选择:勇士、刺客或法师,每一种角色都有自己的技能、物品和令人捧腹的幽默感。
  • 随机地牢:每次游戏时将按顺序生成关卡,征程活动和精英怪兽的位置随机确定。
  • 带福利的永久死亡:角色死亡后,你有机会在下一居中获得一个特殊的小饰品。你获得的黄金越多,收集到强力小饰品的几率就越高。
  • 古怪城堡:和城堡中多姿多彩的演员阵容聊天,挑选征程,学习为什么有些老鼠希望它们的国王死去,今天是什么激怒了当地的少年骷髅,以及如果你不快点去上厕所,勇士会做什么。
  • 众多战利品:超过100种物品和小饰品,每一种都有特殊效果,并提供战略选择和组合的可能。
  • 展示你的技能:在领先榜上竞争,尝试掌握所有颇具挑战且开挂式的圣物。

操作系统: Windows 7 or later
处理器: 1.85 GHz Dual Core
内存: 1 GB RAM
显卡: Intel HD Graphics 5000 or better
存储空间: 需要 300 MB 可用空间





重大更新 来自:Roundguard 已发布 12月17日周四 The Gift Giver Update Has Arrived!

Well, it’s not just for entering a seed to change how the dungeon is built. It’s also for entering cheat codes! Here are a few we added:

“let it snow”          Cover the entire dungeon with snowballin’ snowballs.
“blow me away”   Fight the icy winds through the whole dungeon.
“jingle bells”         Make the dungeon look frosty and festive at any time of year.
“spooky time”       Pretend it’s Halloween again and get in costume.

There is one little trick to this if you want your run to be randomized and not seeded. After you enter the cheat code, open the seed menu back up and delete the code. That way, you’ll clear out the seed so the dungeon will go back to randomly generating, but the cheat will still be turned on for the next run.

I hope you’re all safe and you have some time this month to relax and get ready for a new year. This last year has been hard, but I want to thank you all for the kindness and generosity you’ve shared with us. You’ve made it a really special year for us too. I’m looking forward to having more to share with you in 2021!

Andrea, Wonderbelly Games

New Content:
  • New NPC “The Gift Giver”! He has a dramatic flair and an impeccable wrapping style. Complete his quests to prove your worth and he will reward you handsomely. Can you earn the ultimate gift?
  • New NPC “The Projectionist”! She and her prismatic projections want to help you get in touch with your emotions. But at what cost?
  • New NPC “The Big Freeze”! It’s always winter for this frost giant, and he’s here to put you on ice.
  • Along with each new NPC come new quests, trinkets, and elite fights.
  • Five permanent unlocks that add trinkets to the Wheel of Wonders: Ring of Distortion, Lens of Duplicity, Amulet of Artifice, Gloves of Forgery, and Scepter of Cunning.
  • Ten new board layouts, including several designed by players in our Discord and the PC Gamer forums. (You’re awesome!)
  • New Winter event! Occurs every year from Dec 20 to Jan 2. Includes a snowy look throughout the dungeon full of frosty flair and festive cheer. Dungeon denizens will be dressed for the weather. The title screen music will jingle your bells. And there will be two weeks of unique daily challenges with new winter rules!
  • New rule “Snowballing”! As you bounce into snow, you’ll collect a bigger and bigger snowball. Will you hit with the force of an avalanche or be swallowed up in one?
  • New rule “Icy Winds”! Chilly gusts blow through the levels. Don’t get blown off course!
  • Three new achievements: Gracious, Refractor, and Ice Cold.


Balance Changes:
  • Tuned quests to give more variety & fewer repeats.
  • Goblin bombers now have more health, but less attack. They are worth a bit more gold.
  • Increased gold values on Goblin Poet, Spider Ballerina, and Grandma Ogre rooms to bring them to par with other elite fights.
  • Changed Payback achievement from “Defeat 10 Treasure Chest Mimics” to “Defeat a Treasure Chest Mimic on the first turn in a room.”


  • You can now skip the splash screen at start up.
  • A dark elf sound effect that sounded kind of naughty has been replaced, and all elves have been threatened that we’ll tell their mothers if they try to sneak anything else in.
  • Fixed a few text overruns in Japanese.


  • Ooh, this was a fun one. If your system region was set to Turkish, the game used to crash during the tutorial. This was because an obscure call in our Dialogue manager was converting all of our string table IDs to use Turkish ‘i’ characters, so all strings that had an ID with an ‘i’ would crash the game. WHOOPS. That’s fixed now.


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