
《幻想将军2 Fantasy General II》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.02.10691

叽哩叽哩单机游戏 AL6


《幻想将军2 Fantasy General II》是一款经典战略游戏,自从影子战争摧毁了凯尔多尼亚以及艾尔世界的土地已经过去了三百年,过去的争斗早已逐渐变成传说。 在法拉赫高地,野蛮人战士的部落在北方严酷的环境下艰难求生,部落之间经常发生冲突,并袭扰洗劫附近富饶的边疆城镇。边疆部落受够了他们持续不断的骚扰,他们向帝国寻求援助——强大的帝国控制着从斯嘉丽山脉到锡尼海姆山谷以及灰木地区的土地。西部帝国军团被命令前往高地剿灭匪徒,在边疆部落伊塞尔和马尼尔的协助下,在龙关之战中击杀了大王布伦丹。 他们签署了一项和平协议,禁止任何部落进入边境。从那时起,那里没有产生一位大王来重新团结部落,他们陷入了内讧之中。 在这个黑暗的年代,你的部落由独眼法里尔领导,一名德高望重的战士。你是他的儿子和指定继承人,你也渴望向部落长老会和父亲证明自己的能力……



《Fantasy General II》是90年代经典战略游戏的翻版! 军队再次在饱受战火蹂躏的凯尔多尼亚土地上部好战线,新一代指挥官们将互相测验他们的勇气与战术。幻想战争游戏回来了!
忠于原版游戏的传统,《Fantasy General II》是基于回合制的战斗。指挥超过75种不同的独特单位,包括强大的英雄。 考虑地形、武器与盔甲、魔法效果、士气与军队之间的平衡,指定并执行战斗计划,击败敌人,作为野蛮人战争领袖扬名立万。
一个由山地部落组成的自治联盟,他们珍视自己的独立性,不惜为了它而战斗。 指挥斧手、狂战士、女矛兵、巨魔和萨满,召唤祖先的灵魂和强大的元素,或训练敏捷的鹿骑兵和致命战熊,或者招募从长弓兵到半人马作为雇佣兵。

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
处理器: Dual Core CPU 2.5Ghz Intel Core I2xxx or equivalent AMD CPU
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: dx11 graphics card with dedicated 2 gb video memory
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 2200 MB 可用空间
附注事项: 1366×768 min resolution
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10 (64 bit)
处理器: Quad Core CPU 2.5Ghz Intel Core I2xxx or AMD Zen
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: GTX 1060 3gb / AMD RX470 4GB or higher
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 2200 MB 可用空间
附注事项: 1920×1080 recommended resolution





小型更新(补丁说明) 来自:Fantasy General II 已发布 6月17日周三 Fantasy General II – Patch 9 (v01.02.10691)

NEW Features
– Training Grounds: Give your units individual skills and abilities. Different heroes provide different training opportunities. Gets unlocked during a campaign, is unlocked from the start in Onslaught.
– Merchants: Buy and sell resources at traders you unlock during a campaign. In Onslaught only available to the Empire faction at the start.
– Transmute Artefacts: Get rid of your excess artefacts by turning them into other resources or gold. Gets unlocked during a campaign, available from the start in Onslaught.

– NEW Marcra: Marcra now has a Skilltree
– NEW Tirea: Tirea now has a Skilltree
– NEW Transmuter: Changed the skilltree of the Transmuter, providing one spell-focused path and one summoner-focused path; also adds new skills to their skilltree
– NEW Multiplayer/Skirmish Maps: Added new Capture and Kill All maps to the selection
– NEW Multiplayer: Added ability to send a message to your opponent upon uploading your turn
– NEW Multiplayer: Implemented ability to be notified if multiplayer game is available for you to play.

– Ailsa: Changed Ailsa’s skilltree a little (Lightning Strike reachable via Mist or Turn Evil, Turn Undead became Turn Evil affecting Demonspawn as well)
– Units: Siege Engine Upgrade tree has been added
– Units: Imperial Golem received more armor and more artefact slots, turning it into a walking fortress
– Units: The Fleshwalker’s Corpse Explosion skill now deals damage in addition to infecting
– Mercenaries: Added more fitting Names to mercenaries for their class/race.
– Balancing: Base grade core units (Younglings, Maidens, Spearmen, Peltasts…) have less impact on morale when they die
– Balancing: Adjusted magic damage of units between Barbarians (Stag Riders) and Empire (Pegasus/Night Mares)
– Skill Balancing: Rebalanced some Skill Mana Costs (Grow Trees, Winged Leap…)
– AI: Tweaked AI behavior regarding resting, especially for flying units. Shouldn’t start resting next to you when they can move away.
– AI: Fixed a bug with Heavy Weapons which led to Siege units often going into melee rather than shooting
– Added option to enable/disable ground fog like swirling mists
– Procedural Map generation
– Decreased VRAM usage.
– Onslaught Campaign Map Fix
– Implemented an option to disable “GPU Procedural Generation” of maps. Users can disable this option if their game crashes during generating maps
– Tooltips: Tooltips that provide a summonable unit now show the units summon costs
– Skirmish/Multiplayer: Replaced the old random generation with the same type of generation used in Onslaught. Generates more structured/sensible maps.
– Skirmish/Multiplayer: in Skirmish/Multiplayer: Falirson now rides on his bear
– Multiplayer: Fixed various bugs causing the replay to not play correctly
– UI Multiplayer: Join and Forfeit button have been moved to the game details screen
– UI: Increased inventory UI size
– UI: Redesigned Savegame window so it can support scalable text sizes
– Settings: Implemented a setting to disable idle variantions (Units randomly executing actions during idle). This setting can only be accessed by changing the value of mShowCharacterIdleVariations in Custom.fg2settings manually
– Settings: Changed how resolution chooser works. It won’t bug out now when choosing certain uncommon values.
– Blob Shadows: Added an additional option for blob shadows
– Terrain: Tweaked terrain generation and textures for all themes
– Loading Screens: Loading screens should stall less visually
– Loading Screens: The loading screen now shows the correct logo in the upper left
– Bugfix: Fixed a bug that showed stats of the enemy in several tooltips during enemy turn
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where units would be dragged along after their death
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where more than one page of skills of for a unit could cause a game hang
– Bugfix: Eagle Riders aren’t tagged as Animal anymore and thus not charmable
– Bugfix: Fixed several issues with applying Status Effects and Self Effects in combat and more special skills (charge line, winged jump, skipping a skill)
– Bugfix: Fixed hiding bug, where a unit spawns hidden although an enemy unit is on the same position
– Bugfix: Fixed a bug where certain dialogues would trigger twice (if you gained a unit during the dialogue)
– Bugfix: Fixed graphic bug, where skirmisher sometimes disappear during an attack.
– Bugfix: Fixed bug if an artefact should be removed but this artefact isn’t assigned to any unit
– Bugfix: Fixed bug during enemy reinforcements to cause a unit to not spawn, which causes “Kill All”-Objectives to break.
– Bugfix: Fixed a bug where the Worldmap wasn’t centered around available mission until you end the post mission dialogue
– Bugfix: Fixed a bug where renaming of units in battle wasn’t possible
– Bugfix: New textmessage for removing a finished multiplayer from the list instead of showing “forfeiting”
– Bugfix: Fixed issue where units would be wrongly tagged as quest objectives upon respawning
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where teambuffs wouldn’t be restored correctly after loading the game
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where autosave wasn’t triggered after deployment
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the first players camera position wasn’t persisted correctly in Multiplayer
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where changing teams in the multiplayer skirmish player selection would bug the menu
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where an unkown spawn identifier would show up as “empty” in the game editor
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the damage previsualization would not factor in Bonus Charge Damage from artefacts
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where scouting or casting Spirit Vision above a unit would hide that unit
– Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the Dragon Breath ability wasn’t blocked by aerial units


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